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Spring in Retiro Park, Madrid, Spain

Spanish III Sample Assessments

Below I have included samples of the assessments I have created and given in my Spanish III Course. 


First, I have included a speaking assessment that my students completed after reading a novel. Students will record their assessment with the use of the technology tool FlipGrid and will speak with a partner on three questions. Students and their partners will choose what they would like to discuss. This unit discusses many current world issues and events and can be a sensitive topic for students. For this reason, I allow students the opportunity to choose their partner. 

Next, I have provided a sample listening practice activity. In this unit, students are learning a pop song that reinforces previously learned vocabulary. Students have to listen to the song and fill in the missing word from the word bank. Students will attempt this activity after hearing the song for 2 or 3 days. This is not used as a summative assessment but rather formative to decide which parts of the song need more reinforcement. 

Next, I have added an example of a summative writing assessment that I use in Spanish III. In Spanish III, our writing goals include being able to narrate with many descriptions in the past tense. This unit is adapted for my classroom from Carrie Toth's unit called Parecidos. In this writing assessment, students will retell a story that they have heard and read many times leading up to the assessment. 

Finally, I have added a reading comprehension quiz that I give my students after reading chapters 1-3 of a novel included in the curriculum. This assessment primarily measures what my students understand about the novel thus far, and also gives me an idea of the vocabulary they have acquired.